The people are using blog for sharing their content must be very careful as they can be used in other blogs as well. Everyone try to create the content by putting too much of effort and even spending more time. In case it gets used by other can really be irritating. There are few procedures to protect the content in your blog from getting into copyright infringement. Now a days people try to share content from other sites, but creating your own content can be engaging.
1. Safeguard your site and its content- Terms & Conditions is a policy for websites that can save the content. Just use this in your website to make sure that people cannot steal your content. You can get help from an attorney to draft the templates for your business. Also avoid using the terms from other sites as it is copyright infringement. Try to use the terms on all the pages of your site. With Terms & Conditions it is possible to protect your content and easily give access to the people about your brand business policies. Try to use the Terms & Conditions in your footer of the page on the website and the same can be used in your blog as well. You can also use disclaimers to protect the content from sharing by others.
2. Copyright register- This is very important as you must register the copyright to use the lawsuit for your copyright infringement. You must submit an application and also make payment to get use service to the blog posts. If you have registered, it is possible to reach to court and get compensation for your statutory damages. Copyright infringement can be a crime and mainly when someone steals the content.
3. Use the cease letter- Most of the people share same type of images and content which is very common on various online platforms. If someone uses your content or images without knowing or on purpose, first you needs to reach them and tell the person to stop using them by sending an email. After sending the email also they continue using your content, try to send a cease letter through a lawyer. The letter will summarize your posts taken and in case you have registered the content, try to share copyright registration no as well as in your letter.
4. Using the copyright act- There are special laws available to save the content and bloggers also. There are copyright act that can protect the content without sharing by others online. With this act when a person uses your content without your permission, as owner you can let them know through notice to get the content removed. There are copyright act like DMCA that offers safety measures for the hosting services and platform where you content has been shared. Social media channels and other sites don’t share stolen content as you can get back the original content easily when it shared in such platforms.