Twitter Marketing: What Happens If The Servers of Web 2.0 Properties Are Shutting Down?

Going back into the post that I have published recently to all readers who buy Twitter followers, it was all about two of the best Web 2.0 properties in the whole world. Would you like me to do a recap on this one? For sure, every single Twitter marketer is willing to learn and review each article that I have published, in order to make sure that you are learning enough like no other. Two of the best Web 2.0 properties right now are no other than Squidoo and Hubpages. Both Squidoo and Hubpages are being loved by Google, and there is no doubt that they give enough value to the readers.

But what would really happen if both of them are finally shutting down their servers? Could it be possible enough that it can happen anytime they want? Since that you are just a registered member, you really cannot own the entire website. These Web 2.0 property websites are being owned by somebody else, and we are just considered as members like no other. If this really happened, what are you going to do now? Are you just sitting there crying and complaining that your own lenses or hubs are now gone?

Or are you planning to do something about it? For me, before I publish my own lenses or hubs to any of these Web 2.0 properties, I will simply backup them in my own computer, and save it as a Microsoft Word file. In that case, you may simply publish your own content to other existing websites, if in case the servers are shutting down.

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